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You're viewing Murder Death Kill Cheat Codes

Game Name : Murder Death Kill
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-07-08 21:19:16
Views : 21179

Cheat :
Codes for ALL of the Patches:

ineedabiggun = Super Chain Gun powerup once per level
holokurtisfun = Dummy powerup once per level
nastyshotthanks = Homing sniper grenade once per level
tornadoaway = Twister powerup once per level
486ok = Allow 486 machines to run
For Un-patched final North American executable:
makemefull = Health once per level
masterblaster = Gatt powerup once per level
twistandshout = Twister powerup once per level
biggrenade = Homing sniper grenade once per level
486willbeslow = Allow 486 machines to run

For European Version :

(Should work for No Blood German versions as well):

healme = Health once per level
ineedabiggun = Gatt powerup once per level
tornadoaway = Twister powerup once per level
holokurtisfun = Dummy powerup once per level
486okbyme = Allow 486 machines to run

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